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Black Ops 2 How to Defeat Electric Zombie

"Did you really think you could contain me? You only made me stronger! (...) Cornelius Pernell was a mortal name, it cannot encompass what I have become. If you must call me something before I destroy you all... Call me Avogadro."
―Avogadro during the Alpha Omega easter egg.
"Even your most destructive weapon barely registers a blip on my radar. Know this; You mortals will not claim the Shard. It is I who will enter Agartha. I am the new dominant life form of this world!"
―Avogadro after the nuke lands in the Alpha Omega easter egg.

The Electric Man or "The Avogadro" or "Him" also known as Cornelius Pernell, is a humanoid made of pure energy from the Elemental Shard in the shape. The Avogadro was created when Cornelius Pernell began to experiment on himself with The Elemental Shard at Camp Edward, Turning himself Into The Avogadro and becoming Imprisoned in the A.P.D. (American Pyramid Device).

Once the Ultimus and Primus crew opened the A.P.D. to retrieve the Elemental Shard within, Avogadro became free and attacked them, forcing them to imprison him back in the A.P.D. and send him to another research facility in Hanford, Washington where he remained until the Victus Crew freed him by turning on the power.

Avogadro is made of pure energy from the Elemental Shard in the shape of a human, In Tranzit, Avogadro is only spawned in Once the power is on and the Round begins with the Storm Clouds above. Avogadro can spawn in any location of the map as long as the player is there, he will attack the player by firing a lighting bolt at them. If the player is on the bus while Avogadro is spawned in, he will attach himself to the bus and shock it and everyone inside, if he stays on the bus long enough he will short out the bus and shut TEDD off. While Avogadro cannot be permanently killed, He can be temporarily defeated with the EMP Grenades and any Melee weapon (GalvaKnuckles work the best against him), Once he has been defeated, He will cry out in pain and fly back into the sky for a couple rounds, after the couple rounds pass he can once again spawn back in if the previous conditions are meet again. Avogadro is also needed for steps in the Tranzit Easter egg.

In Alpha Omega, Avogadro is the maps main Boss. He will attack the players by shooting a Bolt of lighting. He can also do a charged attack that will do massive damage to the player, it is recommended to attack him while he is charging to prevent this attack. To defeat him you must fill up soul boxes scattered around the Main bunker. Shooting Avogadro during this fight will stun him and he will say a quote about how he cannot die. Once all soul Boxes are filled the player must to back to the A.P.D. and push him in front of it, Trapping him inside of it and sending him to another Research station completing the boss fight.

Black Ops 2 How to Defeat Electric Zombie
